Friday, June 24, 2011

Faster than zombies

Ever dream about running? Apparently it’s quite a common dream. I never have, until last night. Running dreams are usually about running really fast, or winning a race, or floating on air while running, or running in picturesque landscapes (like in Forrest Gump). My running dream was about zombies. It’s the typical zombie scenario, some post-apocalyptic era with cars scattered throughout the streets, deserted buildings, etc and the zombies keep trying to get you and you can never beat them. Oh, we tried the usual tactics like barricading yourself in a room. That never works, as zombies are strong and often just punch through walls or doors and always get you. We tried battling them head on with some weapons or traps. That never works either as there’s always an endless supply of zombies, and as you know, they’re relentless. They just get back up and keep coming at you. Then we formulated a brilliant plan. We’ll exploit the one weakness nobody has ever thought of.

Zombies can’t run.

It’s true, in almost every zombie movie they just hobble along all shuffling with disjointed arms and legs, but they can’t run. And that’s how we defeat the zombies: with our running.
So Nancy and I drive home, change into our running gear, grab water belts, fill up water bottles, pack some gels, take the time to stretch (including planks). Then we head out the door and run down the street with the zombies close on our heels.

Thinking (and laughing) about this dream on the car ride into work this morning, it dawns on me. I think I understand why I had this dream. My work day yesterday was a rough and stressful one. I was desperately trying to get something done that required a lot of long and focused attention and everyone at work keep asking me questions and disrupting me, needing a piece of me. All day long, every few minutes someone was calling for me or coming to my desk. I couldn’t get anything done. They were relentless: like zombies! Then after work we had soccer for both kids, which required our time. To end the day, Nancy and I finally were able to go for our run at 8:30pm and able to leave all the stress of the day behind us. It all makes sense now.

And at the end of the dream as we’re running down the street just safely out of the zombies grasp, Nancy turns to me and says “hey, at least we’re faster than zombies!”

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